Massage Table News
Custom Craftworks Massage Tables - Are they the best Massage Tables for the Money?
Posted by John Masettof on
Custom Craftworks Massage Tables What I really like about Custom Craftworks Massage Tables is that they are a brand that was founded on quality for a great price. My first massage table I owned as a student was an EarthLite Spirit and have always loved their tables. But as a student I'm not sure if spending $500 on a Massage table before I had any income or clients was the best move. The Custom Craftworks Massage Table Athena is $499 and is a amazing and is perfect for a professional. For students on a budget...
Massage Bed - Where to buy a great Massage Bed
Posted by John Masettof on
Massage Bed Where to buy a great Massage Bed A lot of people refer to Massage Beds as Massage Tables, and essentially they are they same thing. Is it a bed? Or is it a table? If you really think about it, it's not really either. Sure I've been known to nap on my massage bed once in a while, but always with the fear of rolling off during my sleep. And I've definitely used my massage bed as a table to keep things on. But either way, the choice is yours, Massage Bed or Massage Table. It's the...
Choosing the right Massage Table
Posted by John Masettof on
My first massage table was an EarthLite Spirit, and it was an easy choice. I simply asked my massage teacher what he recommended. All of our tables at our school were burgundy EarthLite Harmony's so I had experience with the brand already. I looked around at different brands including Master and Custom Craftworks, but at the time I didn't want to risk buying a brand I haven't personally used. But now that I'm a bit more experienced, I realize that there are tons of great massage tables for every budget. Check back soon in the next...